Call or Text: 707-342-8988
A custom massage therapy session may consist of several different modalities rolled into one single session. For instance, if you suffer from migraine headaches due to hyper-tension but also have ailments from a previous or recent injury, we may combine Swedish massage techniques with Deep Tissue Massage Therapy Techniques to address two different issues within one session. Generally, custom massage therapy sessions are 90 minutes to 120 minutes to allow me time to address all of your issues, however, if you are working with time constraints, we will do our best to ensure you get all of the issues you need to focus on addressed. It will also be very helpful, although massage is to help you relax, if you are communicative during your massage session with me so that I can address items in a timely manner so we both make the best out of your session. For instance, if you feel your ailment has had enough treatment and you are ready for more of a Swedish style to address a headache or stress you a definitely let me know.
Laveen AZ, 85339
Phoenix AZ, 85339
Phoenix AZ, 85041
Phoenix AZ, 85043
Glendale, AZ 85035
Glendale, AZ 85033
Glendale, AZ 85031
Glendale AZ, 85301
Glendale AZ, 85303
West Valley
Central Phoenix
Phoenix AZ, 85013
Phoenix AZ, 85014
Phoenix AZ, 85015
Phoenix AZ, 85016
Phoenix AZ, 85017
Phoenix AZ, 85018
Phoenix, AZ 85019
Phoenix AZ 85020
Phoenix AZ 85021
East Valley
Tempe AZ, 85281
Tempe AZ, 85282
Tempe AZ, 85283
Tempe AZ, 85284
Scottsdale AZ, 85250
Scottsdale AZ, 85251
Scottsdale AZ, 85252
Scottsdale AZ, 85253
Scottsdale AZ, 85254
Don't See Your Area?
Call or Text to Discuss: 707-342-8988
As a well-seasoned and experienced massage therapist I have learned to adapt to my client's needs at the snap of a finger because my ultimate goal is to give you the best massage therapy session. I respect that you are spending your hard-earned money on something many people consider a luxury (although massage is so much more than a luxury). I still understand that massage is not always within everyone's budget. Which is why I strive to offer custom massage therapy sessions at affordable rates that are competitive with massage chains and spas that charge more and offer such systematic approaches to holistic healing.